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Showing posts from January, 2012

When the clock struck 3.12 a.m.

Transition is an inevitable element in any being and a person with a contradicting personality probably experiences it not at every junction but probably at every two steps on the road travelled. But can a twist in a personality within a time span of 22 hours be explained? Transitions perhaps need not be absorbed with fear or disgust. But when transformation is the outcome – loneliness, confusion, in capabilities set to sink in. “Nothing to ponder about “might be the most convenient way to overcome it. But after a déjà vu once, twice, thrice a feeling of emptiness, depression, sometimes even a solution to overcome fear become the outcome. At times giving away to let emotions trickle down those cheeks might not comfort for more than 5 moments. Such is the strength of transition when the needle simply doesn’t point to that dot; a very Big dot at that.